Where does tempeh come from?
Tempeh originated in Indonesia, probably on the island of Java. The earliest known reference appeared in 1815.
Is tempeh the same as tofu?
Nope. Tofu is made from soy milk that has been coagulated with a binding agent like gypsum. Tempeh is made from the whole bean so you get more protein and fiber. Plus, tempeh is fermented which gives you the benefit of stimulating probiotics (the good bacteria in our guts).
How much protein is there in tempeh?
Soy tempeh has the same amount of protein as dark meat on chicken or tofu.
Can I eat tempeh raw?
Tempeh should be cooked prior to consumption.
How long does it take to make tempeh?
Tempeh takes about three days from start to finish. First the beans need to be soaked, then they are chopped up and cooked. After the water has been drained from the mash the culture is added and the mixture is put in bags. The bags of mash and culture are kept at a constant temperature for 18 to 24 hours until it's solid and firm and then it's frozen.
Doesn't tempeh have to be made from soybeans?
Tempeh does not have to be made from soybeans. We add different grains and beans to create a complete protein. A complete protein contains an adequate portion of all nine essential amino acids our diet needs.
Why do I have to keep unpasteurized tempeh frozen?
Freezing unpasteurized tempeh puts the culture to sleep. The fermentation will begin again once the tempeh is defrosted. After 2 days in your fridge the flavor will start to get stronger, like over ripe brie cheese. Some people like it even better that way.
Doesn't cooking tempeh kill the good bacteria?
Just on the outside. As long as the internal temperature doesn't get too hot the probiotic stimulators will remain alive. That's why we recommend you don't cook in the microwave.
For recipe ideas please visit Barry's Tempeh on Facebook or Twitter
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